· Light Weight Concrete using FlyAsh Aggrega te. C. V. SIVA RAMA PRASAD. Lecturer, Dept of Civil Engineering, Bule-Hora University, Oromia, Ethiopia. Abstract: Solid waste management is one of the
· Gesoğlu et al. [21] used 10 % cement and 90 % ground granulated blast furnace slag to fabricate aggregates and obtained the strength of up to 10 MPa (zone 1- Fig. 7a). Suresh and Karthikeyan [22
· This study addresses the issue of the resistance to high temperatures of lightweight concrete lightweighted with sintered fly ash aggregate. Lightweight concretes with different amounts of lightweighting and their properties after loading temperatures of 600, 800 and 1000 °C were investigated. In particular, the effect of high temperature on
· To explore new channels for the effective recycling of red mud (RM) in the field of construction-related materials, and study the feasibility of applying biochar (BC) and RM into capturing CO 2, this study developed the artificial lightweight cold-bonded aggregates mixed with high volume of RM (RM-ALCBAs).
:Production of Lightweight AggregatesIncinerator Fly AshMining Industry · Natural aggregate replacement adopted for artificial cold bonded lightweight aggregate are 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% and metakaolin is added by 10% of weight of
:Fly Ash in ConcreteSintered Fly Ash Light WeightProduction of lightweight aggregates from mining residues, heavy
In Taiwan, as much as 6.3 × 10 4 metric tonnes of mining residues, 4.1 × 10 5 metric tonnes of heavy metal sludge, and 1.5 × 10 5 metric tonnes of incinerator fly ash were produced
· 2.1.1. Mining residuesThe residues employed in this study come from a mine in Hualien, Taiwan. The mine mainly produces shale, bentonite, and white clay. Hence, the composition of the mining residues resembles that of shale. As shown in Table 1, the residues comprise mainly silicon dioxide (SiO 2), followed by aluminum oxide (Al 2 O 3)
A Review on Cold-Bonded Fly Ash Lightweight Aggregates: less
This paper mainly focuses on manufacturing procedure of y ash light weight aggregate by using cold bonding technique. The world is much interested in this part recently due to this large-scale utilization of natural aggregate which also reduces environmental
:Fly Ash in ConcreteFly Ash Aggregate ProductionConcrete and CementLightweight geopolymer fly ash sand: an alternative to fine
Hence, in this study geopolymer fly ash sand was prepared with lower concentration of activator solution and significantly lower duration of post set heat treatment. In the
· Top five China, Brazil, USA, Russia, and France 1.874-3.757 [13] 2021 Global Wood resources include wood fuel, wood chips, particles, residues, charcoal, recovered wood, and paper waste 1.5 20.940
· The concrete made from a combination of fly ash and bottom ash aggregates had the density of about 2000kg/m ³ and the compressive strength of 17.5- 46.3 MPa at 28 days. Moreover, the aggregates
Fly ash based lightweight aggregates incorporating clay binders
Received 7 May 2013; accepted 5 December 2013. This study focuses on the strength characterization of artificial fly ash aggregates produced from a pelletization process. Additionally, to improve the stability and strength properties of fly ash aggregates clay binders such as bentonite and metakaolin are added during the production.
· The concrete incorporated with artificial aggregates has depicted a lower density than conventional concrete due to artificial aggregates of lower density [84,88,89]. The concrete's density can be
· The lightweight aggregate made w ith fly ash-slag binder showed the production efficiency of 99.07%. compared to fly ash pe llets which was around 66.95%. In the case of fly ash-cement blended
Pelletization is a worldwide process used for the manufacturing of artificial aggregates. According to the mechanism of agglomeration and hardening of aggregate, artificial lightweight aggregates can be produced through either a sintering method or cold- bonding method. The cold bonding method is considered to be more conservative due to the
· Request PDF | Production of lightweight aggregates from mining residues, heavy metal sludge, and incinerator fly ash | In this study, artificial lightweight aggregate (LWA) manufactured from
· The global aggregates market size was valued at USD 463.3 billion in 2019 and it also exhibits rapid growth. Natural aggregates mainly consist of manufactured crushed stone and sand created by the crushing of bedrock or naturally occurring unconsolidated sand and
· This paper investigates the mechanical properties of concrete containing recycled aggregates and fly ash as a sustainable and eco-friendly solution for construction, which can reduce the demand for natural aggregates and cement, conserves natural resources, and curtails greenhouse gas emissions.
· The primary focus of this study is to analyze the impact of different components of fly ash recycled aggregate concrete (FARAC) on its elastic properties, aiming to suggest it as a
· This paper presents the results of an experimental study on the effects of fly ash, different water/(cement + mineral additive) ratios and pumice aggregates to some physical and mechanical properties of self-compacting lightweight aggregate concrete. In this study, pumice had been used as lightweight aggregates. Several properties of self
Pelletized fly ash lightweight aggregate concrete: A promising
Figure 1. Growing path of pellets (Bijen, 1986). LWA, mix proportions, strength improving physical and mechanical properties of lightweight aggregate concrete. Lightweight aggregate concrete is used for structurally lightweight structure, it reducing the
· Fly ash is a waste material but can be effectively used in concrete either as aggregate fillers, replacement for fine aggregates or as brick material [1]. Studies conducted shows fly ash aggregate
Manufacturing of sintered lightweight aggregate using high
Request PDF | On Jan 1, 2016, Tommy Yiu Lo and others published Manufacturing of sintered lightweight aggregate using high-carbon fly ash and its effect on the mechanical
· FAC used in this experimental work was collected from the coal ash pond of Bhushan Power and Steel Ltd., Jharsuguda. FAC was used as the replacement of NFA in this study. The grading analysis of FAC is shown in the Fig. 4.From the grading analysis (Fig. 4), it is seen that most of the particles of FAC lie within the range of 150–300 µm.
Pelletizing machine for producing FA aggregates | Download
The aggregates were pelleted by a machine (see Figure 1) which has a disk with 1.5m of diameter and 0.3m of depth, 0.5 to 0.8 tons per hour of capacity, and a motor power rating of 5.5kW. The
· The ordinary aggregate was dolomite with a size of 4.75–9.50 mm, supplied from Gabal Ataqa, Northwest Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Three types of lightweight coarse aggregates, including EPS foam beads, vermiculite, and LECA, were used. Extruded polystyrene foam
Lightweight geopolymer fly ash sand: an alternative to fine
Ojha et al. / Research on Engineering Structures & Materials 7(3) (2021) 375-391 376 negative impact on the environment. The fly ash generation in India through thermal power plants in 2014-15 was about 185 million tons and utilization was 55.69% [5, 6].
· Fly ash recycled aggregate concrete behavior and its microstructure are examined in this study. • Multiscale modeling was used to simulate fly ash recycled aggregate concrete's micro-, meso-, and macroscale behavior. •
· 2.2. Preparation of lightweight aggregatesA pelletizer disc of 40 cm diameter and 15 cm depth was used for manufacturing the lightweight fly ash pellets.The disc was operated at an angle of 43 and a speed of 45 rpm based on the findings of a previous study [24]..
· This has provided a stable fly ash pellet formation. Initially, in the disc pelletizer, the fly ash and cement powder were properly mixed and then 25% of the water content was sprayed during processing. The pellets were air-dried after production. Pellets formed after pelletization are shown in Fig. 1.