· I am sending parameters through named router-outlet to my ChildComponent.But in child component when i try to access params they are undefined. Here is the route-config file { path: 'contact-hold/:id', component: OperationComponent, outlet: 'popup' } Here is my
Analysis of droplet size uniformity and selection of spray parameters based on the biological optimum particle
The droplet size information in the atomization field is obtained using a laser particle size analyzer, and the droplet uniformity under different parameters is calculated. The results showed that within the range of the parameters selected in the experiment, the droplet size increased with an increase in the flow rate, and decreased with an increase in the pressure.
Influence of Different Particle Parameters and Operating
Different particle parameters and operating conditions affect the pump’s flow characteristics, including pressure, speed, particle trajectory, as well as its performance, indicated by its head and efficiency [3–6]. Since the development of computational fluid
· As explained in the preceding sections, we perform silo discharges at different inclinations for the hopper walls starting from the flat-bottom case, β = 90°, to a completely free fall of the particles at β = 0°. The geometry of the outlet implies a rectangular orifice with front and rear walls at zero inclination respect to the vertical.
JMSE | Free Full-Text | Influence of Different Particle Parameters
A key piece of equipment in deep-sea mineral particle transportation systems, the deep-sea mining pump can be affected by factors such as different mineral particle parameters as well as its operating conditions. In this study, the influence of different particle parameters—such as particle size, concentration, and density—and different operating
· For this effect, we need to change the amount of fuel left every tick and apply it to the particle system. To do this, we multiply the Fueling Rate by Delta Seconds and add it to Fuel Left. This value then
· In this article, the relationships between rheology, especially viscosity, and particle size parameters and zeta potential are examined in detail. The information provided is intended to give both
· A 2-D model of the low-pressure cold spray with a radial powder feeding was established using CFD software in this study. The flow field was simulated for both propellant gases of nitrogen and helium. To predict the in-flight particle velocity and temperature, discrete phase model was introduced to simulate the interaction of particle
· Here g i (λ k) describes the optical data at the measurement wavelengths λ k.The subscript i denotes particle extinction (α) and copolarized (β ∥) or cross-polarized (β ⊥) backscatter coefficients; r is radius of the particle and v(r) is the particle volume.Radii r min and r max determine the lower and upper integration limits, C i (m, r, λ k) denote the
The Optimization of Jaw Crusher with Complex Motion Aimed at
The component sizes are chosen as independent variable and the stroke feature value is chosen as objective function to write program to optimize the component sizes by
· The effects of the model parameters on the particle size are shown in Fig. 5. Interestingly, in all cases with large particle sizes, high outlet temperatures (123–132 C) were also recorded. Indeed, the same parameter effects that
· The Pelton turbine will play a massive role in China's water conservancy and power generation development process. In practical engineering applications, sedime Lei Han, Chuanliang Guo, Yujie Gao, Deyou Li, Hongjie Wang, Yongxin Liu, Alfredo Iranzo, Daqing Qin; Investigation on the effect of particle parameters on the erosion and
Particle Pioneer | Join Particle Network's Chain Abstraction Tour,
Particle Network is at the forefront of Web3 innovation with its Modular L1 powering Chain Abstraction. After successfully integrating Wallet Abstraction into 900+ dApps, serving 17M+ users, Particle Network is unifying the Web3 experience through its Cosmos SDK Layer-1. This empowers Universal Accounts, Universal Liquidity, and a Universal Gas Token
· All ASD formulations prepared using the preset parameters in this study demonstrated a consistent particle size distribution (D50 < 10 µm) and satisfying yields (> 50%). It can be concluded that this approach can be beneficial in preclinical early-stage formulation development to reduce resource requirements and shorten the
· In order to examine how particle size affects the cutability of SiCp/Al composites, a Johnson–Cook constitutive equation of 7A09 aluminum matrix is established based on Hopkinson dynamic impact test. Experiment and simulation are
· The size and shape parameters of sand particles are closely related to their geophysical and geomechanical properties. It is challenging to accurately identify sand particles and calculate their shape parameters. In this study, a convolutional neural network was used to detect sand particles in sample images and further calculate their
· The simulated particle velocity profiles and particle volume fractions at the outlet for the range of specularity coefficients are illustrated in Fig. 5 (a) and (b) respectively. Due to difficulties in measuring the outlet particle velocity, this velocity was calculated using).
· Li et al. used multi-parameter optical diagnosis method and found coal particle ignited homogeneously with the O 2 concentration increasing from 20% to 30% and 40% at 1829–1881 K under air and oxy-fuel conditions
Effect of particle parameters on flow field and erosion wear
Effect of particle parameters on flow field and erosion wear characteristics of flow passage components in screw centrifugal pump [J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of
· Secondly, a multi-cutter rotor milling pavement model was established through complete factorial testing, exploring the influence of operating parameters on performance and particle size. Finally, a cold pavement reclaiming machine performance prediction system was developed. Results demonstrated that matched moving and rotor
· To the best of authors’ knowledge, although the first patent on the hydrocyclone is about 128 years old, to date, there are just a few reviews on hydrocyclones (Table 1), and marginal effort has been attempted to comprehensively review and summarize enhanced-separation hydrocyclone technologies developed by optimizing
· 2.2. Theoretical basis This study was based on the theory of the optimal spraying particle size, focusing on droplet size and uniformity. The volume median diameter (VMD) is typically used to analyze droplet size (Algaadi, 2010), as shown in Equation (1): (1) D v = (∫ D min D max D 3 d N ∫ D min D max d N) 1 / 3, where Dv is the median diameter
· Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) [Citation 24] and Genetic Algorithms (GAs) [Citation 25–27] are the best-known SI and EA algorithms. However, the PSO method has provided superior performance because it can escape from local optimization problems and requires less computation time (no evolution operators such as mutation).
Remote Sensing | Free Full-Text | Aerosol Microphysical Particle Parameter
In the last 20 years, research has been performed on solving the underlying inverse integral equation system for obtaining the microphysical parameters of aerosol particles from their optical properties. The regularization algorithm [], the principal component analysis (PCA) technique [], and the linear estimation algorithm [] have been used for determining the
· The calculation of the PSD in the outlet solid stream was based on an empirical parameter that depends on the type of crusher and the PSD of feed. The outlet flow rate of the crushed product in the k-th size interval is calculated by Eq. (1). (1) P k β = ∑ j
AMT-Linear estimation of particle bulk parameters from multi
Abstract. An algorithm for linear estimation of aerosol bulk properties such as particle volume, effective radius and complex refractive index from multiwavelength lidar measurements is presented. The approach uses the fact that the total aerosol concentration can well be approximated as a linear combination of aerosol characteristics measured
· Table 4.1. Physicochemical parameters required to characterize a nanoparticulate system (A) according to the ISO/TR 13014:2012 guidance, (B) for regulatory purposes in EC, USA and Canada, (C) to evaluate the biological activity, and (D) in the contest of manufacturing and development. Particle parameter. A.
Estimating time parameters of overland flow on impervious surfaces by the particle
A quasi two-dimensional diffusion wave model with particle tracking for overland flow was developed to determine the travel time, and validated for runoff discharges, velocities, and depths. Travel times for 85%, 95% and 100% of particles arrival at the outlet of impervious surfaces (i.e. Tt85, Tt95, and Tt100) were determined for 530 model runs.
Effects of Heterogeneous Particle Parameters on Micro-EHL
Effects of Heterogeneous Particle Parameters on Micro‑EHL Lubrication on Composite Surface in Line Contact Juan Chen1,2,3 · Keying Chen1,2,3 · Liangcai Zeng1,2,3 · Wenting Guo 1,2,3 Received: 27 October 2020 / Revised: 10 September 2021 / Accepted:
· The shape of the particle, in addition to its size, also impacts the erosion rate of a centrifugal slurry pump with accelerated erosion by angular-shaped particles in general (Shen and Chu 2018