^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Wearing the full Justiciar armour set grants an additional passive damage reduction of CrushBonus/3000 against Crush damage (outside of PvP) ^ The Elysian spirit shield offers an additional passive damage reduction of 17.5% against Crush damage ^ The Dinh's bulwark gains an additional 20% passive damage reduction against Crush
This type of iterative learning is called active learning. Since the learner chooses the examples, the number of examples to learn a concept can often be much lower than the number required in normal supervised learning. (Fig 1) Active Learning. We have used tri-training to annotate unlabeled data.
The use for the PET kit has specific drills that enable the simple reduction of the shield without damage to the adjacent mucosa as well as preparation of the chamfer below the bone level in order to create the prosthetic space necessary for ideal soft tissue healing over the shield. The large round diamonds are ideal for both socket shield as
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How To Use Your P.E.T.E. The P.E.T.E. is intended for use in addition to your instrumental practice, and not as a replacement for any part of it. Regular use of the P.E.T.E. will strengthen the support muscles of your embouchure. Do not use this exerciser immediately before playing, as you will be tired. However, a res
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Hot Runner Systems. P.E.T.S. has six unique, standard PHRS systems. The PHRS-1 is the largest and is built to handle shot sizes of over 5 lbs. The PHRS-1 can provide bore sizes of up to 1.25″ and O-hole sizes of .250″.
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The P.E.T.E. is a unique tool to use to perform isometric exercises that strengthen and develop the embouchure. The P.E.T.E. is the only tool on the market that exercises the exact musculature involved in playing wind
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For music known as 'Crush', see Crush. Crush (크러쉬) is a South Korean singer-songwriter and producer under P NATION.[4] He is a member of the project hip hop group FANXY CHILD and former one half of the duo
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